Support Us
In the Torah, we learn that the building of the mishkan — the portable dwelling place for the Divine — was only possible when everyone whose heart was moved gave terumah, a gift offering.
We believe that B’nai Or is a lot like this mishkan– every time we gather, we create a space for the Divine to gather with us.
In that spirit, we are asking you to look into your heart and ask “what is B'nai Or giving to me and what can I offer in return to keep this mishkan going?”
Credit Cards are accepted.
Should you prefer to donate by check, please make your check payable to B'nai Or of Boston and mail it to:
B'nai Or of Boston
P.O. Box 550122
Waltham, MA 02455
Donation Categories:
General Fund (This is most appreciated as it provides unrestricted funds that can be applied where and when they are most needed.)
Rabbi’s Yad Ezra/Helping Hand Fund (to help people in need)
Love and Enlightenment Scholarship Fund in Honor of Rabbi Hanna Tiferet and Rabbi Daniel Siegel to assist members in attending classes and workshops which open the heart, awaken the mind, and elevate the spirit.
Mark Goldstein Musician's Fund (honorarium for guest musicians at Shabbat and High Holy Days Services)
Kiddush & Oneg Fund (for challot, wine, food, and paper goods)
Tzedakah Fund (donations to a variety of charitable organizations)
Torah Fund (repair Torah as needed)
Machzor Fund (sponsor a High Holy Day Machzor in honor or memory of a special occasion or a loved one)
Esther's Fund (children's programs, subsidize families who attend retreat)
Nancy Levy Spiritual Development Fund (supports efforts to bring in guest rabbis, teachers, etc.)
Technology Fund (provides funds for technology equipment and updates in order to make B'nai Or services and events accessible to all)
Terumah: an explanation of giving from the Torah from
Ariel Hendelman.